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Welcome to 6th grade art online!

Please feel free to browse what our class has done and look through our online art gallery!


Students learned about impressionist painter, Claude Monet. Coinciding with their current science curriculum, students created ecosystems in a visual way using oil pastels and watercolor paint. The environmental topic was lily ponds, just as French artist, Monet,  painted in from the 1870s to 1920s.

Pastel Pumpkin Patch

Students leaned about depth of field where objects closer to us appear to be larger than objects further away. Students also practiced realistic shading from a light source making something 2D appear to be 3D The light source in everyone's project was the moon. Students also had to include at least five pumpkins in their pumpkin patch. Students were then instructed to use their own creative minds and add any extra details they could think of. The mediums for this project were black construction paper and chalk pastels.


Students learned about idioms. Students had a chance to draw literally what an idiom would mean to someone who didn't know about the figure of speech. 

Ms. Sontag's Art Room

Munising Public Schools k-12

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